01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

2024 Headline data


GLD ( Good level of development)

School             68%      (National %)                



School             78%      (National 81%)     


KS2 RESULTS (End of Year 6)

Percentage of children achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE):

Writing           70%           (National %)              

Maths             %           (National %)             

Reading          %           (National %)             

GPS                 %           (National %)             

Percentage of children achieving Greater Depth

Writing           4%                (National %) 

Maths             %              (National %) 

Reading          %             (National %) 

GPS                 %              (National %) 

Percentage of children achieving national average in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined):   56%     

National average combined: %      

Percentage of children achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined):   4%     

National average combined: %      

Average scaled scores:





Pupil's Progress

Progress scores will be centered around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.






For DFE Performance Tables Click on link below:


2023 Headline Data 


GLD ( Good level of development)

School             60%      (National 65% 2022)                



School             73%      (National 75%)     


KS1 RESULTS (End of Year 2)

Percentage of children achieving at least age related expectations:

Reading          69 %             (National 2023   67%)          

Writing            62%             (National 2023    58%)

Maths              62%             (National 2023    68%)


KS2 RESULTS (End of Year 6)

Percentage of children achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE):

Writing           76%           (National 2023 71%)              

Maths             76%           (National 2023 73%)             

Reading          86%           (National 2023 73%)             

GPS                 79%           (National 2023 72%)             

Percentage of children achieving Greater Depth

Writing           10%                (National 2022 13%) 

Maths             14%              (National 2022 22%) 

Reading          28%             (National 2022 28%) 

GPS                 21%              (National 2022 28%) 

Percentage of children achieving national average in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined):   62%     

National average combined: 59%      

Percentage of children achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined):   7%     

National average combined: 6%      

Average scaled scores:

Maths 104

Reading 107

SPAG 105


Pupil's Progress

Progress scores will be centered around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.


Reading  1.2 (-1.1 to 3.5) Average

Writing -0.5 (-.2.7 to 1.7) Average

Maths -0.8 (-2.9 to 1.4) Average


For DFE Performance Tables Click on link below:
