01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Year 5

We are the Fabulous Flamingos!

Your Teacher

Hello Fabulous Flamingos! My name is Mrs Farnell and I am so excited to be teaching you this year. I know that we are going to have a fantastic year together and that you will all rise to the challenges of Year 5. Our teaching assistant, Ms Hope, will be supporting us throughout the week. 


Class Dojo

Please check our stories on Class Dojo for regular updates on the wonderful work we are doing in class! 

Some reminders and announcements are also shared on here as well as via the school text messaging service.

For any questions, queries or if you would like to speak to the teacher/teaching assistant then please contact the school office.


Learning in Year 5 

In English we will improve our writing skills by exploring a range of new and exciting texts. We will focus on using a variety of sentence structures and punctuation and we will learn how to adapt our writing to suit the purpose and audience. Through our grammar, spelling and guided reading lessons, we will continue to develop our spelling, reading and comprehension skills.

In mathematics we will develop our understanding of place value in numbers to 1 000 000. We will learn to use written methods confidently to calculate with larger numbers and will apply this knowledge to a range of multi-step problems. We will also develop our understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Our learning in RE is based on the curriculum ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’.

In Science we will study: Living things and their habitats, Animals, Properties and changes of materials, Earth and space and Forces.

All other subjects will be taught through our exciting topics: 'Myths and Legends'(Autumn), 'Terrible Tudors' (Spring) and 'Earth, Space and Beyond' (Summer). 


Important days


P.E. lessons take place every Tuesday and Friday. On these days, you need to come to school wearing your PE kit - navy or black shorts/jogging bottoms (dependent on weather), blue school PE shirt, trainers and your school jumper/cardigan. On Tuesdays we will be going swimming so please remember your swimming kit!



Music lessons with Mr Moon take place every Thursday and this year you will be learning the guitar! Please make sure you have your guitar in school with you on the correct day. 



Homework is set via Class Dojo every Friday to be completed by Tuesday of the following week. This should be completed in your homework book unless stated otherwise.


Learning at home

It's really important that you keep reading your book at home every night.

You can access online reading books by clicking on the link below:

Oxford Owl - Library


Remember you should also be making use of Century Tech (CENTURY Purple Mash (https://www.purplemash.com/login/ and Times Table Rockstars (https://ttrockstars.com/login).