01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School




St. Joseph’s is a school that has, at its centre, a clear Catholic ethos, helping the child develop in a Christ-like way and which is committed to providing excellent teaching and learning for all children. 

At St. Joseph's we are committed to helping all children achieve their God given potential whether they are Catholic or not. We want them to enjoy their time at school and create memories that will last for ever. We have a set of core values that we share with the children to ensure they are well equipped to live a successful and rewarding life. We are extremely proud of our school and everyone that is part of it.

Through our engaging curriculum we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning and curiosity that will help to develop high aspirations. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success.

The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the parish, local community and other schools both in the local area and the Diocese. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child's education and value your interest and support.

I hope that this website will give you as much information as possible about our school. If there is anything you would like to see that isn't here or you would like to find out more about the school please contact the school office on 01889 228735.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mr D Jobburns


 St. Joseph's Nursery

We now offer places in our 2 year old nursery which runs every morning these are both paid and Think2 funded places. We also have afternoon sessions for children with a place in our 3 year olds morning nursery. These sessions will be for parents that qualify for 30 hours funding and parents that would like to pay for afternoon sessions. For more information please contact the school office on 01889 228735

Cardinal Griffin Catholic College

Following their time at St Joseph's they can continue their journey of Catholic education at our feeder secondary school Cardinal Griffin please click on the link to find out more about the school.


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