01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Design & Technology

A St Joseph’s learner will use their imagination when designing and their technical knowledge when creating. They will use different skills to make their designs and think of ways to improve their own ideas, understanding the importance of design in the technology that they use every day.


Our school's Design & Technology programme of study follows the National Curriculum and is supported by a variety of resources. We do not follow a single, published scheme of work but make best use of challenging and appropriate resources to help embed design and technology skills and knowledge. Every year group has a long term plan (LTP) which has been carefully mapped by the subject leader to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. Teachers use this to support their planning but will, of course, develop their own medium-term plans to support the different needs and requirements of their own class.

Progression Map for Design & Technology

 DT Whole School.docxDownload
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