01889 228735

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

With God in Our Hearts We Love and Learn.

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Year 3! We are the...

Delightful Dolphins

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Year 3!  As you know, I am Miss Denny and I will be your teacher this year. I will be supported by Miss Owen and we are really excited to get to know you. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year and we cannot wait to share these with you soon :) 


Miss Denny

Learning in Year 3

Our topic this term is called The Romans! 



During our English lessons, we will read a range of text including poems, newspaper articles, reports, adventure stories and instructions. We will then practise creating our own versions of different texts and share with each other. We will practise new spellings each week which are taken from the 'Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list' as well as developing our grammar and reading skills. 



During our Maths lessons we will be developing many skills including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We will be focusing on numbers up to 1,000 and solving number and practical problems involving 3 and 4 digit numbers. 



During our Science lessons,  we learn about how to keep ourselves healthy in the 'Animals Including Humans' unit, we explore which materials are magnetic in the 'Forces' unit, we learn about how to protect our eyes from the sun in the 'Light' unit, we discover how dinosaur fossils are formed in the 'Rocks' unit and we grow our own flowers in the 'Plants' unit.



Our learning in RE focuses on preparing for First Holy Communion and developing our relationship with God through prayer. 



Please ensure your child wears their complete PE kit (dark blue/ black shorts, blue PE top and trainers) to school every Tuesday and every Wednesday, as well as their school cardigan or jumper. Plain black/dark blue jogging bottoms can also be worn when the weather becomes cooler. Please also ensure that earrings are not worn on our PE days.

Important days


Faith Assembly takes place on a Monday.

Praise Assembly takes place on a Friday.

We will continue to celebrate Mass every Thursday.


Homework will be set on Fridays and should be learned for our test on the following Friday. In addition, it is important that the children are accessing Times Tables Rock Stars regularly in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check that they will sit in Year 4. 


It is vital that you read at home every night. Reading is a skill we use all day, every day so it is very important that you practise this to help you improve. Please make sure your reading diary is signed every day after you have read at home and bring it into school every day so that we can also sign it each time we hear you read.


Times Tables

This year, we will be learning more times tables and using these to help us solve number problems and practical problems. Therefore, please make sure you are practising the times tables regularly, don't forget to use Times Tables Rock Stars too!

Finally, don't forget to check Class Dojo on a daily basis to see your child's learning journey.

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any further queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Miss Denny